Ann Crouch Original
2023 Was a BIG Year
Last year was the biggest year for Arts in the Sunset. We were able to accomplish more than we ever imagined after re-opening. Our membership soared, our classes filled up, we had more requests to assist in getting the public involved with art and so much more. Below is the exciting final count on just how far we were able to reach this year!

The Amarillo Art Institute provides a Math in Art program and Resident Artist program to schools across the Panhandle in partnership with Window On A Wider World. Many of the schools we teach at do not have any or very little art programming in grades K-12. Through interactive drawing and using core curriculum students retain more information and learn how to use art in a variety of ways.
AAI has given classes at The PARC, Ussery Roan, Park Central, The Cottages, and other senior living facilities. We offer individualized classes for those of all ages and walks of life to have access to art. Our healing Art program typically consists of an instructor bringing supplies to a facility and hosting a regular art lesson. This program hopes to expand to other facilities to help those with limited access to art. If you would like to help this program go, consider sponsoring here.